Peer Practice: Telling Our Stories
May 14 @ 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Peer Practice: Telling Our Stories is a one-day, virtual training that offers Peer Specialists an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the impact and power of sharing recovery stories, ensure that they are aligned with Peer Values in sharing their story, further develop their own recovery story, practice sharing their story in the context of individual work, and to refine their practice of utilizing snippets with individuals and in group settings.
At the end of this training, participants should be able to:
● Understand why Peers share their stories and how this aligns with Peer Values;
● Recognize the power and impact of sharing stories of lived experience, and ways that participants have already experienced this;
● Find a new insight or perspective in the stories participants have been telling in their work as peers;
● Create a new or revised version of their recovery story;
● Develop relationship with other participants that models one-on-one interaction with people served;
● Understand and utilize self-reflection and assessment as part of the process of refining their recovery story;
● Refine development and use of snippets in one-on-one work and group settings;
● Understand the role of personal stories as a way to combat stereotyping and stigma; and
● Incorporate restoration as part of a regular practice of self-care after sharing recovery stories.
Via Hope training content is provided via Zoom through an online learning platform. Participants will be required to have an active internet connection and be on camera for the majority of the training. Individual computer access is required; participants will not be able to log on in a group environment.
The Mental Health Resource of Texas dba Via Hope does not allow the use of AI (artificial intelligence) software to record Zoom, Microsoft Teams or any other virtual meeting platforms hosted by employees of the organization. Additionally, AI is strictly prohibited during any Via Hope facilitated training.
Prerequisites: None
Eligibility: MHPS, RPS, or RSPS
Cost: $120
CEUs: 6
Registration: May 9–June 2, 2024