The Practice of Peer Leadership: An Introduction
June 14th, 2022
(online, interactive training)
Application Deadline: June 6th, 2022 by 5pm
The Practice to Peer Leadership: An Introduction is a three-hour training designed for Peers to explore what leadership is, build on the strengths and skills of lived experience, and discover ways to step into their personal power in order to begin to fully embody leadership. The training also introduces some basic leadership practices that will support Peers in making an impact in their work.
This training is appropriate for anyone who identifies as having lived experience with mental health, substance use, trauma and other hardships and would like to use their lived experience as a foundation for leadership. 3 CEU’s
The curriculum is designed to be highly interactive. Activities include individual and small group exercises, discussions, and objective knowledge, attitude, and skills building.
- The registration fee for this training is $60. (due at time of registration)
- Registration fee is non-refundable
- Applications for the training will be accepted in the order received, so apply as soon as possible.
The Practice of Peer Leadership: An Introduction