Courses, Tools & Resources

Putting the Pieces Together: Ethics and Application in Peer Specialist Supervision

Putting the Pieces Together: Ethics and Application in Peer Specialist Supervision

Audio, slides, and handouts available for download from webinar on September 26, 2017


Continuing the conversation about the unique role of Certified Peer Specialists (CPS), this webinar will help participants become familiar with the Texas CPS Code of Ethics and provide an opportunity to participate in discussion based on supervisory scenarios presented. These scenarios come from the Via Hope Demystifying the Peer Workforce workshop curriculum and illustrate the complexities of supervising peer specialists as someone who is not a Certified Peer Specialist, as well as the opportunities leaders have to support peer specialists in their day to day work of sharing their recovery experiences within organizational contexts that may be more clinically oriented.

Available for download:

  1. Slides
  2. Audio Recording
  3. Poll Responses during webinar
  4. CPS Code of Ethics

Downloadable Files

Via Hope – Putting the Pieces Together Webinar – 9-27-2017

Audio of PSI Webinar – Sept-26-2017

Putting the Pieces Together Webinar – Poll Results

CPS Code of Ethics (4-17-17)

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