Healing Centered de-escalation
February 19, 2025
Registration now open!
Via Hope is offering the Healing Centered De-escalation training online via Zoom technology, polls, chats, whiteboards and short interactive breakout sessions online. Please note internet access is required in order to complete this training (camera access is required).Individual computer access is required for this training. Participants cannot login in a group environment..
Healing Centered De-Escalation was developed for anyone wanting to use a Peer and Healing Centered approach to gain more confidence, skills and tools to support someone in de-escalating. This is a 3-hour training comprised of six sections that encompass knowledge, reflection and interactive activities. The training includes a 10 minute break, bringing the total to 3 hours and 10 minutes. The activities are designed to cultivate self-awareness, engage in meaningful dialogue and practice new skills. 3 CEUs are available for Certified Peer Specialists (MHPS, RSPS, RPS, CFP).
- The registration fee for this training is $60 (due at time of registration)
- Registration fee is non-refundable
- Applications for the training will be accepted in the order received, so apply as soon as possible.
This training has been filled.
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