Courses, Tools & Resources

Co-occurring Challenges (eLearning)

Co-Occurring Challenges Training

June 12th-13th, 2023

(online, interactive training)

Application deadline: June 5th, 2023 

Via Hope is offering the Co-occurring Challenges training online. This 2 day training is designed for Mental Health Peer Specialists, Recovery Support Peer Specialists and Peer Recovery Coaches.

While the content of the training will not change the delivery method will vary. This means that the content will be provided via Zoom technology, through online discussion threads, white board, and short interactive breakout sessions online.  This continuing education unit (CEU) training provides 14 credits.


  • No registration fee.
  • Applications for the training will be accepted in the order received, so apply as soon as possible.


  • Enrollment is limited to Mental Health Peer Specialists, Recovery Support Peer Specialists or Recovery Coach Designees who are employed and/or volunteering at least one half time for a minimum of six months are eligible to attend this training. Via Hope verifies all certifications with Texas Certification Board

Co-occurring Challenges Training

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