Courses, Tools & Resources

Hope & Healing: Celebrating Peer Specialists in Our Communities

Capitol Walk 
October 21, 2023
9:00 am – 12:30 pm


George Washington Carver Museum (9:00 AM)
1166 Angelina St., Austin, TX 78702

Join us for a free breakfast, water, music, giveaways, drawings for prizes, face painting, table to create signs, and an opportunity to tour the museum.

Ending location: 

Texas Capitol, South Steps (11:30 AM)
1100 Congress Street, Austin, TX 78701

We will celebrate peer specialists and their incredible work alongside elected officials, Via Hope staff and Board Members, honored guests, and sponsorship guests.

honoring the work of peer specialists 

Via Hope is expanding in many ways to continue to provide quality training and consultation. None of this would be possible without the dedicated work of peer support specialists who make our mission a reality. On Saturday, October 21, 2023, Via Hope will host the Hope and Healing: Celebrating Peer Specialists in Our Communities Capitol Walk. The healing walk is to honor and celebrate Certified Peer Specialists changing the lives of those with behavioral health challenges by using their lived experiences to bring hope and healing to others in the community.

We are seeking nominations for the Outstanding Peer Specialist Awards in two specific categories:

ADVOCACY: Advocacy can be defined as actions, activities, and/or initiatives by individuals or groups that educate, influence, and encourage others to take action and also influences decisions across institutions and organizations.

  • In mental health, this can look like signing petitions that push for change across systems, showing support and actively participating at community and organizational events, and serving as an ally for underrepresented communities experiencing mental health challenges.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: Community engagement can be defined as the process of building relationships to connect people through communication and collaboration.

  • In mental health, community engagement may look like connecting people to healing-centered practices that promote wellness and recovery, collaborating with others on projects that promote access to resources and information, and increase visibility and understanding for mental health peer support.

By completing the below form you are nominating a person that you believe has demonstrated work that is worthy of receiving one of these awards.

Once the nominations are submitted they will be reviewed by a Via Hope Walk Committee that will make the final decisions on who will receive the awards. The chosen award recipients will be notified with the provided information in the nominee form. 

For questions, please contact us at [email protected].

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